Friday, March 15, 2024

AI Creativity and the near future of education

AI and Creativity created by ChatGPT-4

This week, I spent two days at the Nebraska Educational Technology Association meeting in Omaha. It was great to meet with friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances. Everyone talked about AI as a catapult to changing, rethinking, worrying, and joy. Evi and I spent some time talking about how we humans are still better/ different than the machines. Much like humans have for centuries argued that humans were not like other animals, our current existential obsessive discussion (and fear) is about what happens when Artificial General Intelligence shows up. For me, the question is what we can do in the short run. The answer may very well be a focus on inquiry, creativity, and self-guided learning.

As highlighted by our work in Art TEAMS, integrating new tools and emphasizing creativity and divergent thinking in education presents a forward-thinking model that could significantly influence schools in the coming years. This approach, which blurs the traditional boundaries between art, sense-making, and metacognition, opens up several intriguing possibilities and challenges for education.

For example, schools might increasingly incorporate digital tools and platforms that foster creativity, such as digital art, coding for creative purposes, and virtual reality for immersive learning experiences. These tools can help students explore complex concepts in a hands-on manner, enhancing their understanding and using AI tools to amplify creativity and self-expression. 

By leveraging AI and other technologies, educators can create personalized learning paths for students. This customization allows students to explore subjects at their own pace and according to their interests, which can boost engagement and motivation. This can happen while we encourage metacognitive skills, thinking about one's own thinking, that can help students understand and regulate their learning processes, strengths, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness is crucial for lifelong learning and adaptability, especially in a rapidly changing world. 

This approach allows for breaking down the silos between subjects, especially art, humanities, and sciences, and encourages students to make connections across disciplines. This holistic method fosters critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to see problems from multiple perspectives. 

To reach this goal, we need to focus on teacher education and mindset shift. Teachers will need training and support to adapt to these new tools and pedagogies. Shifting from traditional teaching methods to a more student-centered, creative, and interdisciplinary approach requires time, resources, and a change in mindset. This can happen during pre-service and in-service teacher education and requires attention to equity and access. Our educational system has a robust tendency to focus on basic skills for those with perceived deficiencies who never get to interact with more complex educational experiences.

 As AI and other technologies become more integrated into education, maintaining a balance between technological efficiency and the human elements of learning—such as empathy, ethics, and emotional intelligence—will be vital. The potential for human flourishing through this educational paradigm is significant. By fostering an environment where creativity, critical thinking, and personal reflection are paramount, students can develop not only the skills needed for future careers but also the capacity for resilience, empathy, and ethical decision-making. This approach not only prepares students to thrive in a world where AI plays a significant role but also ensures they contribute positively to their family, community, and society.

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