Tuesday, January 31, 2023

High Quality Materials and Teacher Learning

 The Nebraska Department of Education invited me to the IMPD network conference. I am always happy to participate and see if I can learn and contribute. At the same time, I have to admit that I am somewhat skeptical. I do not doubt that high-quality materials are helpful and more useful than low-quality materials. However, I think about it in an 80/20 split. High-quality materials will contribute to better instruction, but that represents a contribution of about 20% of total improvement. The 80% is in teacher professional learning and development that will raise efficacy and skill. 

Robot looking at bird
The upside of High-Quality materials includes teacher confidence in the curriculum and reducing the need to scrounge for resources late at night. This confidence reduces the pressure on teachers' out-of-school time and gives breathing room for thinking about differentiation and accommodation of different learners. From an information processing perspective, we are reducing teacher cognitive load to enable more effective instructional procedures. 

From this perspective, High-quality materials are a no-brainer; bring it on, and engage with the process. Let's do it! The challenge, however, can be articulated at the individual teacher and system levels.

The cognitive load question can play an opposite role at the individual teacher level. A teacher is using a familiar curriculum is able to be creative around it and differentiate for her students. The familiarity reduces the load, an effect I have seen in reverse every time a district adapts a new curriculum. As a teacher educator, I have placed students in classrooms every semester for the past 20 years. Every time our district decides on a new reading curriculum, teachers reduce the number of preservice teachers they will host, disallow any creative deviation from the curriculum, and be fairly stressed. After about two years, the familiarity once again allows for more adaptation. So the question becomes, does the new curriculum adapted is such an improvement on the old one that it justifies the change. If you accept the 80/20 idea, the bar for improvement is quite high. This effect can be mitigated if you use curriculum change for significant professional learning. Then it becomes a leverage point for growth.

This is when the systemic effect presents with a second challenge; since schools invest significant attention into the process and money into materials, little is left for meaningful professional learning. The danger is that by the time materials are selected, bought, and introduced, everyone is exhausted and does not pay attention to the professional learning required to make it work. The calls for fidelity and making sure spending is justified clash with the individual needs of teachers and students. Moreover, school administration often projects implicitly or explicitly a conformity message that constrains teachers from acting in their best professional judgment.

In the context of our professional learning in Art TEAMS,
we are working very much on the 80% side of teacher professional learning. We acknowledge curriculum and work with teachers to develop ways to differentiate and deepen using metacognitive strategies (such as the creative inquiry process (Marshall and D'Adamo, 2011)) pedagogic moves, and collaborative learning opportunities. It would be interesting to see how teachers change their use of the strategies as the curriculum shifts.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Eco-Learning Literacy and Art

 At the Literacy Research Association meeting in Arizona, I attended a session on Climate Justice (ecology and literacy). A few weeks later, I am spending time with colleagues Kimberley D'Adamo and Laurie Rich, imagining how we can support educators in fostering processing climate learning through art making. the most visible part of the work is the website Art/Act: Educate. This website includes a collection of artists creating environmental art that is attentive to both local conditions and the overall ecological challenge.

One such artist is the indefatigable Leah Wilson, whose amazing work spans many visual approaches and ecosystems.  We are dreaming of supporting educators (in the broadest sense possible) interested in developing art projects addressing environmental concerns and celebrations. Our goal is to increase environmental awareness and give rise to two generations. The first is a generation of educators who help students process the challenge productively and innovatively. The second is creating a generation of youth better equipped to face environmental concerns through art and a deeper understanding of science and the human impact of the challenge we face as a species.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year- New Ventures

 The last few months have been extremely busy, and I had fewer opportunities to blog. As the new year commences, I am sharing of our new projects for 2023. This time I would like to focus on our podcasts/ video series coming.

Nick Husbye and I started a podcast for Graduate Students, and junior faculty in Education called "Not that Kind of Doctor. You can find it on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.

The ART TEAMS project Podcast has lunched at the beginning of December:

Tech EDGE in collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Education will launch a series of video podcasts with Chrystal Liu on integrating technology in the World Language Classroom.  YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. You can catch it here: https://www.youtube.com/@techedge01 episodes start February 1.

Drop me a line with any feedback on the main issues.